Jean-Pierre Delplanque

M.S./Ph.D. 1993 — Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Jean-Pierre Delplanque has served as vice provost and dean of Graduate Studies at the University of California Davis since January 2019. Prior to that, he served as associate dean for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in graduate studies and as associate dean for undergraduate studies in the College of Engineering. As a leader in graduate education, he supports the development of inclusive, equitable learning environments for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars so that they are equipped to spearhead discoveries with global impact.

Vice Provost and Dean Delplanque is a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering. His research and educational activities focus on the modeling and numerical simulation of complex fluid and thermal processes such as rocket propulsion, respiratory flows and additive manufacturing.

A first-generation college graduate, Delplanque earned an engineering diploma from Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Electrotechnique, d’Electronique, d’Informatique, d’Hydraulique et des Télécommunications (ENSEEIHT) in Toulouse, France; a postgraduate diploma (DEA) in mechanics from the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, France; and a master’s degree and doctorate in mechanical and aerospace engineering from UC Irvine.